Sale plant bundle – 5 plants


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About the product

What's included

  • 5 plants included: Salvia (blue), agapanthus, lupin (blue), silverbush and butterfly bush (purple)
  • Care guides
Light needs
Full sun
Frost sensitive?
Yes, salvia is scented
Pollinator friendly?
Child safe?
🟠 - agapanthus sap can cause skin irritation, and if eaten can cause an upset stomach: eating lupin seeds and pods can cause dizziness and upset stomach
Pet safe?
🟠 - eating agapanthus sap can cause an upset stomach: eating lupin seeds and pods can cause dizziness and upset stomach

Seasons of interest

  1. Apr
  2. May
  3. Jun
  4. Jul
  5. Aug
  6. Sep
  1. Eco-friendly sourcing Eco- friendly sourcing
  2. Peat-free compost Peat- free compost
  3. Long lasting plants Long lasting plants
  4. Trowel Independent British nurseries